The HyperStudio Preview includes a HyperStudio License specially designed to introduce you to this exciting new version of HyperStudio. The HyperStudio Preview is intended to be shared with others! (Of course, we ask that you not share the actual "for-sale" version of the software for obvious reasons!)
This is a fully functional version of HyperStudio, but is set up in an innovative way to give you the greatest degree of freedom in exploring the software. It has full menus for adding text, sounds, buttons, etc. Please keep the following in mind when using this software:
- When an existing stack is Opened, the SAVE and SAVE AS menus will be disabled. This will let you explore any existing stacks but will not allow you to save any changes you may make to them.
- When you choose NEW, the SAVE and SAVE AS menus will be ENABLED! This means you can create any new HyperStudio project you wish (up to four cards), AND save it! Please remember, though, once you leave your new project and go to another stack, you'll no longer be able to save any further changes to your project. You can, of course, still open your stacks and view them. In the Projects folder you'll also find the HyperStudio Plug-in for Netscape™ and Internet Explorer™ that allows you to share your stacks over the web!
Not only can you try out the many creative options of this software, but you'll find examples stacks created by real users and a collection of backgrounds, maps, photos, movies, sound, etc. that you can work with. The complete version of HyperStudio comes with dozens of additional NBAs and Extras, great utilities, other companies demos and hundreds of megabytes of clip media to get you started or keep you going.
The HyperStudio Preview works with Macintosh MacOS 7 and above. A Windows 3.1 and Windows 95 version is also available. HyperStudio will work on as little as a 8Mb Mac LC (some features may require a newer model of Macintosh computer or more memory) or a Windows 3.1 256 S-VGA with Sound Blaster. Color monitors are required for the Preview version.
HyperStudio includes built-in support for QuickTime, QuickTime VR, QuickDraw 3D, audio recording and playback, animation, and even laserdisc and CD-ROM control!
To explore, double-click the icon named "Start Here!" in the top level folder. This automatically starts the HyperStudio program.
About memory... This preview includes stacks created on a wide variety of machine and memory configurations. No one stack exceeds 1 MB in size so 4 MB of RAM allocated to HyperStudio should get you through the samples provided. Feel free to boost the memory allocation for the HyperStudio Preview application (after moving it to your hard disk). The maximum size is set to 5000k. but increasing it to 6000k should be more than enough to run any larger stacks you might encounter.
About monitor sizes... As mentioned above, individual stack design is up to the stack author, including the size chosen for cards. HyperStudio usually defaults to a card size viewable on any monitor size. However, as a matter of personal preference, you can choose any card size you wish. Some stacks in this collection were sized for a 14" monitor. When viewed on a smaller monitor, a portion of the bottom of the card may be left out of view. This may make navigation buttons at the bottom of a card unavailable. However, you can still use the command keys to navigate the stack or just use Command-H (for Home) to get back to the main menu stack.
About colors... Macintosh monitors can operate at various color levels, from black and white to 16, 256 and even thousands or millions of colors. The sample stacks were mostly created at 256 color levels while some of the stacks were created at thousands or millions. If your computer cannot display the color level of a given stack, HyperStudio will automatically convert the stack for you. There's nothing to worry about in this case, but there will be a delay in opening the stack.
To install a 'working' directory of the HyperStudio Preview, drag the entire HyperStudio Preview folder directly to your hard disk. You will need approximately 20 megabytes of free space on your hard disk.
HyperStudio retails for $199.95 but is available through most software supply sources for less. Education "Lab packs" as well as network, site and school district licenses are also offered.
The HyperStudio Preview and The HyperStudio Workshop is available on Hybrid CD-ROM for user groups, schools, trainers, and computer dealers. For further information, conference schedules and appearances of Roger Wagner, please contact Roger Wagner Publishing at 1-800 HYPERSTUDIO, (800-421-6526) or International: (619) 442-0524.
HyperStudio is produced by:
Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc.
1050 Pioneer Way, Suite P
El Cajon, California 92020
(619) 442-0522
(619) 442-0525 (fax)
Internet: service@hyperstudio.com
Website: http://www.hyperstudio.com
*** "FREE" Paint Program and Video Digitizer!!! ***
Because this "Preview Version" of HyperStudio DOES allow you to both import and export screens without any limitations, the software on this disk CAN be used as a paint program, independent of the mulitmedia authoring abilities! In addition, because HyperStudio's "Add Clip-Art" function also "knows" how to go directly to a video camera on a Mac AV, or when using the Connectix QuickCam, Apple QuickTake cameras, Kodak DCS-40, Fuji or Casio digital cameras you also have a very useful image capture and editing system!
So, don't overlook the long-term value of this preview software! Enjoy, and let us know if we can be of any further assistance!
The HyperStudio software is a copyrighted product of Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc. This software is licensed to you as a single individual for demonstration purposes on a single computer. The HyperStudio Preview 3.1 may not be sold but may be shared with others for demonstration purposes on a single computer. Commercial or on-line distribution of the HyperStudio Preview, in whole or in part, requires prior approval of Roger Wagner Publishing. The HyperStudio program itself may not be modified, disassembled, or reverse-engineered. If you have any questions regarding this license, or the use of this software, please contact Roger Wagner Publishing, Inc.